Tamara and Saveli Grinberg Tuition Scholarship for undergraduate students
Matwei Ginzbourg Fund annual prizes for students engaged in various researches in Russian and Slavic Studies
Matwei Ginzbourg and Leonid Nevzlin Research Center MA Scholarships for Russian and East European Jewry
Annual prize for an outstanding seminar paper of an undergraduate student
Annual Prize for an outstanding student in Russian Language
Other Scholarship in Russian Studies
Research scholarships in the field of politics, culture, history and society of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. For questions and inquiries, please contact the European Forum at the Hebrew University.
Students of our division are also eligible for the following scholarships:
Scholarship of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (for details click here)
Loan of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (for details click here)
Loan of The Israel Free Loan Association (click here)
Research Grants and Prizes of Nevzlin Center
Scholarship program of the FIDF (for details click here)
The President Scholarship for PhD candidats (for details rachelna@savion.huji.ac.il)
Scholarship of Wolf Foundation for PhD candidats
Nathan Rotenstreich Scholarship for PhD candidats
Rothschild Fellowships (for details kereni@savion.cc.huji.ac.il)
Mandel Scholarships of Scholion Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish Studies for post-doctoral students
Scholarship of Kaete Klausner Foundation (for details mirig@savion.huji.ac.il)
Special Scholarship of the Hebrew University (for details click here)
Martin Buber Society of Fellows
Doctoral Fellowships in Russian and East European Studies (for details CREES@POST.TAU.AC.IL )
Azrieli International PostDoctoral Fellowships
The Harry and Sylvia Hoffman Leadership and Responsibility Program
Kaete Klausner annual prizes for new immigrants students (for details soranas@savion.huji.ac.il)
For other scholarships please click here