Anna Balestrieri is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Russian and Slavic Studies Department at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her primary research interests encompass Russian and Russian-Jewish literature, comparative literature, humor studies, diaspora studies, memory studies, and communication and media studies. She is also actively engaged in an ERC-funded research project that centers on the construction of values in social media through a comparative analysis of user-generated content.
Her publications primarily delve into the history of Russian journalism in emigration and the Russian-Jewish cultural dialogue.
Presently she serves as Coordinator of the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies.
Selected publications:
- "The Memoirs and Journalism of Yakov Vladimirovich Veynshal: Exploring the Interplay of Autobiography and Psychoanalysis." Word and Text, 2023, vol. 13.
- "A polytropos Zionist: the life and literary production of Zakharia Klyuchevich Mayani." Iudaica Russica, 2022, no. 2 (9).
- "Ne verkhovod, ne zvezda pervoy velichiny:" Ocherk zhizni, deyatel'nosti i tvorchestva Mikhaila Berkhina" [Not a leader, not a star of the first magnitude ": Essay on the life, work and work of Mikhail Berkhin]. In Khazan, Vladimir (ed.). Russian History and culture in the archives of Israel: From Shalom Aleichem to Ivan Bunin. Jerusalem: Studio Click Ltd, 2022.
- "Not a leader, nor an original thinker." A portrait of the Russian-Jewish journalist Mikhail Berkhin (Benediktov)." Iudaica Russica, 2022, no. 1 (8).
PhD dissertation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Russian Jewish Press in the Emigration: The Case of Rassvet (Berlin-Paris 1922-1934)."