ד"ר דימיטרי ביריוקוב | החוג ללימודים רוסיים וסלאוויים


צרו קשר

ראש החוג: ד"ר סמיון גולדין
טלפון: 02-5881771
בניין ע"ש רבין, חדר 2103

יועצת בוגר: ד"ר נינה רודניק

יועץ מוסמך: פרופ' אלכסנדר קוליק

מזכירות החוג: גב' גל יאנג
טלפון: 02-5883581
שעות קבלה: ימים א'-ה', 14:00-11:00
בניין מדעי הרוח, חדר 4504 (גוש 5, צבע ירוק)

ד"ר דימיטרי ביריוקוב

עמית מחקר אורח

Academic interests:

 Russian philosophy,  Russian modernist literature, Russian symbolism, Byzantium, Palamism,

Humboldtian philosophy of language, Imiaslavie

Selected Publications

“Different Faces of Byzantium: Attitudes to Byzantium Presented in Ivan Kireevsky, Alexey Khomyakov and Their Circle”. Studies in East European Thought (Springer). March, 2022.

“‘Synergy’, ‘Energy’, ‘Symbol’ in Pavel Florensky and Palamism”. In: Scottish Journal of Theology. Vol. 74, 2021. 147–157.

“The Sinuosity of “Byzantism” in Russian Thought of the Middle 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Part 1. Alexander Herzen, Alexei Khomyakov, Ivan Kireevsky, TertyFilippov.”In: Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 6 (1), 2022. P.41-64.(In Russian).

“Reception of Palamism in Alexey Losev’s Imiaslavie Heritage. Part 1: Dating of Losev’s Article ‘Die Onomatodoxie (Russisch „Imiaslavie“)’ and the Question of the Dependence of This Article on Pavel Florensky’s Texts Dedicated to Imiaslavie”. In: Platonic Investigations. Т. 1, no. 14, 2021. 189-202. (In Russian).

“Pushkin as a Name-Glorifier: The Context of this Topic in Vyacheslav Ivanov.” In: Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social Practices and Mutual Connection of Spiritual Traditions. Conference archive. Tom 1. St Petersburg, 2021. P. 146-152. (In Russian).

“Taxonomies of Beings in the Palamite Literature. Part 2. The Palamite Doctrine in the Context of the Previous Byzantine Tradition and Its Reception in the Russian Religious Thought of the XX Century (The Philosophy of Creativity by Sergei Bulgakov).” In: KonstantinoveListy. Т. 12, no. 2, 2019. P. 69-79. (In Russian).

“The Reception of Palamism in Russian Thought in the Early 20th Century: the Issue of the Philosophical Status of Palamism and Barlaamism, Its Solutions and Context.” In:Science Journalof Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations. Vol. 23, no. 5, 2018. P. 34-47. (In Russian).